Did you know that you can travel just about anywhere in the world right from your equipment? Outside of iFIT’s many Global Workouts with iFIT Trainers, you can also create your own map-based workout routes using Google Maps™!* Revisit your childhood neighborhood, favorite vacation destinations, alma mater, and more. With Google Maps™️, the possibilities are endless for your next workout. Plus, these workouts count toward your iFIT Milestones!
Ready to get started? First, we’ll need to create the route you’d like to use for your workout. Here’s how to map it out:
Log in to your iFIT account on your iFIT-enabled equipment or the iFIT tablet app.
At the bottom of the iFIT home screen, locate and tap the Create map icon.

On older tablet displays, menu navigation may differ. Consult your user’s manual for instructions specific to your machine’s model. (If you need a copy of your user’s manual, you can download one from the My Equipment section of your my.ifit.com profile or by entering your model information at this link and clicking View Manual. Your model number and/or model name can be found on the serial number decal on your machine.)
Your screen will display a Google Maps™️ view of a featured location somewhere in the world. Use the search bar to type in your desired location in the top left corner.
- Use the touchscreen to drag the map to your desired location (You can do this by swiping your finger in the direction you want the view to shift) or zoom in or out on an area (by moving two fingers away from or toward each other on the screen).
- Press the eye icon in the bottom right corner of your screen to toggle between the basic map view and the Google Maps™ satellite view.

Once you’ve navigated to the location where you want your workout to take place, touch the screen at the spot where you want your route to begin. The starting point for your route will now appear as a flag.
- Use the touchscreen to move the map to find and touch the point where you want your route to end.
- You can touch as many successive points as you want on the map to draw a more complex route rather than a basic start and end point.
- Helpful tip: Press the details button (which looks like three lines with circles on iFIT-enabled equipment or a pull-out carrot on the iFIT tablet app) by the search bar in the top left corner of your screen to open more details and options for your workout.

- The details box displays the elevation and distance statistics for your current route. As you make changes to your route, these statistics will update automatically based on information from the Google Maps™ database.
- Press the Snap To Road button to toggle your route between a direct path connecting your selected points and a path that stays on the mapped roads nearest to your selected points.
- Press Out & Back to set your route to automatically go from your chosen start point to your end point and then back to your start point.
- Press Close Loop to set your route to automatically draw a loop so that you start and end at your chosen start point.
- Press Undo to undo your most recent map or settings selection.
- You can also adjust your default or target speed (if applicable).

When you’re satisfied with the route, press Save New Workout. You may change the title or the workout description at this time before saving.

You’ve now created your own map-based workout! Get going by tapping Start Workout to begin the workout you just made. Rather do your workout later instead? Press Schedule to schedule a date on your calendar for when you’d like to work out. Keep track of this workout and those you create in the future by pressing Favorite to save them to your list of favorites in iFIT. Work out in places you love or have never been to and earn iFIT Milestones along the way!

*Note: Only those locations that have been logged in the global Google Maps™ database will be available.
Disclaimer: This blog post is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional. The above information should not be used to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or medical condition. Please consult your doctor before making any changes to your diet, sleep methods, daily activity, or fitness routine. iFIT assumes no responsibility for any personal injury or damage sustained by any recommendations, opinions, or advice given in this article. Always follow the safety precautions included in the owner’s manual of your fitness equipment.