They say variety is the spice of life and at iFIT, we fully support that idea. The iFIT Library has thousands of workouts to choose from, whether you want to explore the tombs of Egypt, run the Boston Marathon®, or head to the studio for a quick workout. With all of this content to explore, it can be overwhelming to find the perfect workout for you, based on your difficulty level, time constraints, or even mood.
There’s nothing we love more than receiving feedback from our members, and when it comes to finding a workout, we heard you loud and clear. We’re constantly adding to and updating the iFIT Library with fresh content, including new workout types, like yoga, Audio Workouts, strength training, and even meditation.
With all of this content to explore, we’ve made it easier than ever to find your desired workout with a new search bar and several filtering options, both on the iFIT app and your iFIT-enabled equipment!
On the iFIT app (on your phone)
- While on the Home screen, select your workout type at the top.
- You can choose from Treadmill, Bike, Rower, Elliptical, or Strength.
- Once you select your equipment type, tap Browse from the bottom navigation.
- From there, tap the Search button at the bottom. A search bar will appear and you can then search by keywords, like a workout title, trainer name, or workout type.
- There are also several filter options below the new search bar, including Duration, Trainer, Workout Type, Intensity, Target Area, Continent, Environment, Other Equipment, Completed, and Language. Tap a filter to see the results.
- From the results, those same filters will appear at the top of the screen if you need to adjust any of your selections.
- Another filtering option is within your Search Results, so you can really find that perfect workout.
- In the top right corner of the results, you’ll automatically be filtered by Trending workouts.
- Tap this section to choose from options including: Newest, Top Rated, Trending, Easiest, Hardest, Shortest, and Longest workouts.
The Trending option is one of our favorites because it gives you an insight into the workouts that are most popular within the iFIT Community.
On your iFIT-enabled equipment
The directions are the same as above, but you can only choose to do workouts on your specific equipment type (treadmill, elliptical, etc.) or choose the Strength option for strength, yoga, meditation, and stretching workouts.
That way, if you only have 30 minutes for a mountain run with iFIT Trainer Tommy Rivs Puzey, or you’d love to spend 20 minutes doing yoga with iFIT Trainer Briohny Smyth, you can find just what you need.
On your TV with the iFIT app
- Select your desired workout type or equipment from the navigation bar.
- Click Sort by and make any selections, or click the Filter icon and select the attributes you are looking for.
- Tap the workouts that interest you for more information!
Let’s get exploring!
Disclaimer: This blog post is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional. The above information should not be used to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or medical condition. Please consult your doctor before making any changes to your diet, sleep methods, daily activity, or fitness routine. iFIT assumes no responsibility for any personal injury or damage sustained by any recommendations, opinions, or advice given in this article. Always follow the safety precautions included in the owner’s manual of your fitness equipment.