
iFit Trainer Anja Garcia’s Favorite Core Exercises

READ TIME:2 min.

Core strength is an essential component of your well-being. For many, abdominal exercises are incorporated into a fitness routine for the sole purpose of acquiring that sought-after six pack. The real benefit, however, comes in the form of improved posture, reduced risk of sports-related injuries, improved athletic performance, reduced back pain, etc.

iFit Trainer Anja Garcia regularly incorporates ab exercises into her workout routine. We asked her to share five of her favorite core strengthening workouts to target and tone your abs. We hope you’ll give them a try!

Bear hops in hand and elbow plank

Muscles engaged: entire core and lower body with the frog hop

  • Keep your shoulders stacked inline with your wrists to begin, then align with your elbows when dropping down to forearm plank.
  • Make your neck straight and inline with the rest of your body to avoid extra stress on your neck—try looking forward about a six inches to a foot in front of your fingertips to keep your neck straight.
  • Think of pushing your belly button up into your stomach to keep your back nice and straight. No high or sagging hips! A straight back will keep your core engaged.
  • Avoid rocking your hips back and forth as you go from straight arm plank to forearm plank. Sometimes, widening your stance will help limit the amount of swaying.

Beast bird dog

Muscles engaged: entire core
Added benefits: Not only will it help straighten your core, but it’s a great way to help challenge your balance and stability!

  • Keep your neck straight and inline with the rest of your body to avoid extra stress on your neck—try looking forward about a six inches to a foot in front of your fingertips to keep your neck straight.
  • Your feet should be wider than shoulder width apart.

Scissor switches

Muscles engaged: entire core, but focused mostly on your lower abs and obliques

  • Keep your hands tucked behind your head with your elbows wide.
  • Look upward and straight ahead to keep your neck in line with your back. Try your best to avoid tucking your chin. Pro tip: Find a spot to look at on the ceiling.
  • For more of a challenge, keep your legs nice and straight. To modify, keep a bend in your knees.

Side plank wrap with leg lift

Muscles engaged: entire core, targeting the obliques as you thread the needle (pull your arm through)

  • Make sure your shoulder is in a straight line with your elbow and perpendicular to the floor.
  • Keep your hips lifted up high and try to avoid sagging.
  • Stack one leg on top of the other (to increase stability, you can bring the top leg in front of your bottom, supporting leg).

Boat pose tuck up with v-extension

Muscles engaged: entire core, targeting the lower core with the leg raise

  • Keep your hands tucked behind your head with elbows wide.
  • Look upward and straight ahead to keep your neck in line with your back. Try your best to avoid tucking your chin. Pro tip: Find a spot to look at on the ceiling.
  • Keep your back nice and straight.

We hope you’ll give these challenging and fun abdominal exercises a try. Remember—the key to achieving all the amazing benefits that come with a strong core is proper form and consistency. Make sure to incorporate these ab moves into your workouts regularly, while still remaining mindful of your form.

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